Journey to Joshua
Tonight was filled with one BIG Koehler "first"!  The first time my children have ever had Mountain Dew! (I know you are thinking, "now she's really lost it!")  But the plan was to keep them up as late as possible and get them SO tired that they will sleep on the second leg of the flight from Seattle to Amsterdam because although it will be noon on our clock it will be ten p.m. in Uganda! We are trying this crazy experiment to see if we can adjust their clocks ahead of time so they are not wide awake in the middle of the night when we arrive in Uganda on Friday night. So how did the Koehler kids do?  Well, 3/4 of them made it to half past midnight! As you can see Simon gave it a valiant effort, but petered out at about 11:45 (right on top of my last minute project.)  It is 2am now and we will be up at 4:15 a.m. and off to the airport! It is here, Its really really here! How could I possibly sleep at a time like this? We'll let you know where we are when we can!  :)   

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